Breaking Down the Interlock Golf Grip: Its Benefits

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Get a grip on your golf game with the Interlock Golf Grip! This article breaks down the benefits of this popular grip technique, exploring its origins, implementation, advantages, potential drawbacks, and how it compares to other golf grips. Discover how the Interlock Golf Grip enhances clubface control, accuracy, power, and distance. Learn step-by-step instructions for achieving a proper Interlock Grip, common mistakes to avoid, suitable adjustments for comfort, and strategies for incorporating it into your game. Improve your performance on the course with this game-changing grip technique.


Breaking Down the Interlock Golf Grip: Its Benefits

As a retired professional golfer, I've spent countless hours perfecting every aspect of my game, including the grip. One grip that I have found particularly effective is the Interlock Golf Grip. This grip has been used by some of the greatest golfers of all time, including Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods. In this article, I will be breaking down the Interlock Golf Grip, discussing its benefits, and explaining why it may be the key to improving your golf swing.

The Interlock Golf Grip is a popular technique that connects the hands in a way that provides stability and control, resulting in increased power and consistency in your shots. It involves intertwining the pinky finger of the trailing hand (right hand for right-handed golfers) with the index finger of the lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers). This connection forms a solid bond between the hands, creating a unified grip that allows for a smoother and more controlled swing.

Throughout this article, I will delve into the advantages of the Interlock Golf Grip, including enhanced clubface control, improved wrist action, and increased power in your shots. Additionally, I will explore any potential drawbacks or challenges you may encounter when adopting this grip, as it is important to consider all aspects before making any changes to your golf game.

Whether you're a beginner looking to refine your technique or an experienced golfer looking for ways to take your game to the next level, understanding the Interlock Golf Grip and its benefits is essential. So, let's dive in and discover how this grip can revolutionize your golf swing.

Understanding the Interlock Golf Grip

When it comes to improving your golf game, the importance of a solid grip cannot be overstated. The interlock grip, in particular, offers several unique benefits that contribute to enhanced performance on the green.

The Anatomy of the Interlock Golf Grip

The interlock grip is recognized by the unique "locking" of the index finger on the player's leading hand and the little finger on the trailing hand. This locking creates a strong bond between the hands, ensuring they work as a single cohesive unit during the swing. It ultimately provides better control and stability, standing as an ideal grip option for golfers looking to improve their game. These benefits make the anatomy of the interlock grip key to successful golf play. For a more elaborate understanding, Golf Distillery provides an interactive guide that breaks down the intricacies involved in the interlock golf grip.

The Origin and Popularity of the Interlock Golf Grip

The origins of the interlock grip is somewhat unclear, with no definitive time or place of invention. However, it has been prominently associated with legendary golfers like Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods, contributing significantly to its popularity. These pros' choice of grip has influenced many golf enthusiasts and professionals to adopt the interlock grip as their preferred style. The effectiveness of the interlock grip is evident in their careers, where they've demonstrated incredible performance and precision, a testament to the grip's potential for promoting a successful game. The Old Man's Club dives into the details on its origin and evolution in the golf world. With its boasted benefits and the endorsement from esteemed golfers, it's safe to say the interlock golf grip has solidified itself as a mainstay in the sport over the years.

The Implementation of the Interlock Golf Grip

The correct implementation of the interlock golf grip can significantly improve one’s golf game. This particular grip has its own nuances, and implementing it properly requires a thorough step-by-step guide and the ability to identify and correct common mistakes. Whether you are a seasoned golfer looking to make a strategic change or a novice who is just understanding the fundamentals, mastering the interlock grip could highly influence your performance on the green.

Step by Step Guide to Achieving a Proper Interlock Grip

To achieve the interlock golf grip, follow the steps below:

  1. Stand in your golfing pose and extend your hands in front of you.

  2. Open your hands and lay the club across your fingers. Make sure the club head is perpendicular to your target.

  3. Close your left hand around the grip (for right-handed golfers) so that your fingers are securely wrapped around.

  1. Take your right hand and place it under your left, interlocking the index finger of your left hand with the little finger of your right hand.

  2. The left thumb should fit into the palm of your right hand.

  3. Ensure both of your hands have a firm but relaxed grip. Your knuckles should be pointing to the ground.

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Implementing the Interlock Grip

There are some common issues that golfers encounter when trying to implement the interlock grip. One of the most frequent mistakes is gripping the club too tightly. A firm grip can lead to tension in the wrists and arms, which can diminish control of the club during your swing. To avoid this, ensure your grip pressure is firm yet relaxed.

Another common error is misplacing the hands on the grip. Your left hand (for right-handed golfers) should be at the end of the club with the fingers curled around the grip and the thumb flat against it. The right hand should comfortably interlock with the left, enabling the wrists to work together seamlessly.

Incorrect thumb placement is also a common mistake. Placing your thumb flat down the grip can decrease your control over the club and hinder your ability to swing smoothly. Make sure your thumbs are in the correct position, nestling into the lifeline of the opposite hand.

By following these steps to implementing the interlock golf grip and being aware of common errors, golfers can improve their swing mechanics and accuracy on the golf course. The PGA TOUR guide to Interlock Golf Grip provides further detailed professional advice on this grip style. Additionally, the Comparison of Golf Grips by GolfDistillery is a valuable resource for understanding the benefits of interlock grip over other popular grips.

Advantages of the Interlock Golf Grip

The interlock golf grip comes with a number of distinct advantages that significantly contribute to the improvement of a golfer’s overall performance. While it may take some time to get used to, the benefits it offers underscore its popularity among both professional and beginner golfers.

Enhanced Clubface Control and Accuracy with the Interlock Golf Grip

One of the primary advantages of the interlock golf grip is its capability to improve control over the clubface. This grip tends to unite the hands, fostering a higher level of synergy between them. As such, it enhances a golfer's control of the clubface, allowing for better-quality shots. The increased control fosters more precise shots and aids in lowering a golfer's scores. For a more detailed discussion on how the mechanics of an interlock grip foster clubface control, visit Golf365.

Improved Power and Distance Achieved Through the Interlock Golf Grip

The interlock grip has also been heralded for the power and distance it permits a golfer to achieve. By solidifying the connection between the golfer's hands, this grip enables a stronger, unified swing. The transfer of power from the golfer's body through their hands and eventually to the club is more fluid and impactful, leading to higher drive distances. Increased swing power can help reduce overall strokes on long fairways, providing a clearer path to improved performance. Great Golf Tips link offers clear and helpful insights on maximizing power and distance with the interlock grip.

Potential Drawbacks and Solutions for the Interlock Golf Grip

The interlock grip, despite its various advantages and widespread favor among professional golfers, has its own share of challenges that can be encountered by players. Understanding these potential drawbacks and finding the most effective solutions can lead to a more comfortable, efficient utilization of the interlock grip. Moreover, these strategies can also remove any barriers preventing golfers from reaping the full benefits of this grip style.

Identifying and Addressing Common Challenges with the Interlock Golf Grip

Although the interlock grip can enhance club control and power, it is not immune to problems. New golfers or players with smaller hands often struggle to feel comfortable while using this type of grip. It can cause strain on the hands and fingers for beginners who might not be familiar with its intricate technique. Hands and fingers interlacing can lead to blisters if the grip is not properly maintained. A golf pro's help or seeking advice from expert instructional resources can help players overcome these challenges.

Moreover, the ability to generate maximum club speed can be compromised if the interlock grip is implemented improperly. This is due to the level of firmness required with an interlocking grip, which might reduce the swing speed. Technique adjustments guided by professionals can help in maintaining the correct grip pressure, leading to a balanced swing speed.

Suitable Adjustments for Comfortable Interlock Golf Grip Use

Customizing the interlocking grip according to personal comfort and performance factors is essential. There might be a need to slightly adjust the positioning of the fingers while interlocking or modify the pressure applied by the fingers. It is always beneficial to start with a softer grip and gradually increase the firmness. This mitigates the risk of developing blisters and muscle strain.

A comprehensive understanding of the hand and finger movements involved in the interlock grip can also significantly improve its implementation. The use of grip trainers can facilitate a better understanding of these movements and aids in achieving a comfortable and efficient interlocking grip. Furthermore, regular practice and potential grip modifications can greatly enhance the overall performance.

Comparing the Interlock Golf Grip with Other Golf Grips

An aspect of golf typically open to personal preference is the style of grip. A golfer's grip of choice significantly affects their swing performance and success rate in the game. The Interlock grip remains a common choice, especially for beginners or players with smaller hands, but other grips like the Vardon Overlap and the Baseball Grip also hold a rank in popularity. This segment aims to examine the similarities and differences of the Interlock grip vis-à-vis these alternatives based on practicality, ease, and overall efficiency.

The Interlocked Grip vs The Vardon Overlap Grip

The Interlock grip and the Vardon Overlap grip are both recognized for their utility in power and control. They are most suited to golfers with larger hands. The Vardon Overlap, named after the legendary Harry Vardon, uses an overlapping method where the little finger of the right hand (for right-handed golfers) overlaps the index finger of the left hand. It promotes less tension and more fluidity in the swings due to less interlocking of fingers. However, some argue that it facilitates less control over the club compared to the Interlock grip which provides a more secure lock. A comprehensive comparison between both grips can be found at golfdistillery's comparison guide.

The Interlocked Grip vs The Baseball Grip

The Baseball grip, also referred to as the Ten Finger grip, does not require any finger interlock or overlap. Comparable to holding a baseball bat, this grip is typically suggested for younger players, players with joint issues, or those with smaller hands as it allows for more power in the swing. It arguably provides the easiest setup among all grips and allows for a smoother release. Yet, as per many, the control achieved in the Interlock grip still remains unmatched. The Baseball grip might lead to a loss of control because the hands can move independently. This valuable insight from Golf Week can help inform decisions on choosing the grip most suitable for your game style and physicality.


The Interlock Golf Grip, an esteemed technique with a promising history, offers a myriad of benefits including enhanced control, precision and distance, making it a game-changer for many golf enthusiasts. Not only has this blog demystified its anatomy and implementation, it has also highlighted crucial mistakes to avoid, common challenges, and effective solutions. Comparisons with other popular grips underscore the Interlock's unique strengths. However, successfully incorporating it into your game requires careful transition and sustained practice. Like any change, it may feel unfamiliar at first, but with persistence and patience, the gains from mastering the Interlock Golf Grip can be significant. With this knowledge in hand, you are prepared to revamp your golf grip and possibly transform your entire game. Be sure to revisit this blog for more insights and practical tips about the Interlock Golf Grip. Your journey towards a swing resurgence has just begun. Keep practicing, stay curious, and remember, every pro was once a beginner.

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