7 Proven Chipping Drills to Get Up and Down

Table of Contents


  • Chipping drills are crucial for improving your short game in golf.
  • Mastering the basics of chipping technique and correcting common errors is essential.
  • Specific chipping drills can help you practice and refine different shots.
  • The basic chip drill focuses on proper technique and alignment.
  • The lob shot drill teaches you how to achieve height and distance.
  • The bump and run drill helps with estimating distances and angles.
  • The flop shot drill is ideal for difficult situations that require control.
  • Consistency, measuring progress, and setting goals are important for effective chipping practice.
  • Choosing the right equipment, including golf wedges and putters, is key to chipping success.


Chipping drills are the secret weapon to reaching the next level in your short game. As a retired professional golfer with years of experience, I know just how crucial chipping skills are for getting up and down around the green. That's why I've compiled a list of seven proven chipping drills that will help you improve your technique and lower your scores.

In this article, I'll guide you through each drill, providing step-by-step instructions and sharing expert tips to ensure you get the most out of your practice sessions. Whether you're a beginner looking to develop a solid foundation or a seasoned player aiming to refine your skills, these drills will challenge and elevate your chipping abilities.

But that's not all – I've also curated a collection of top-of-the-line golf products on our Shop page. From wedges to putters, you'll find comprehensive reviews that will aid you in making informed decisions about your golf equipment.

So, whether you're ready to take your chipping game to new heights or simply looking to upgrade your gear, this article has you covered. Let's dive in and take your short game to the next level!

Understanding the Importance of Chipping Drills

Chipping drills are an indispensable part of any golfer's training regimen. They serve as a valuable tool for enhancing short game skill levels, understanding shot control, and gaining confidence around the greens. Golfers who invest time into perfecting their chipping technique through structured practice sessions tend to have an edge over their competition. They can navigate difficult green-side situations with more ease, thereby improving overall performance and reducing hole scores.

For further insight on the importance of chipping drills, click here.

Breakdown of a Good Chipping Technique

A good chipping technique involves a combination of proper stance, swing selection, and club positioning. The golfer should stand with feet close together, with the ball positioned back in the stance for low chips, and farther forward for high chips. The swing should be downward, with a firm left wrist at impact to ensure clean contact with the ball. The clubface should remain square to the target line, and the swing should be controlled by the shoulders, not the hands and wrists.

More details on chipping technique can be found here.

Common Chipping Errors and How to Correct Them

Some common chipping errors include the dreaded 'chunk', where the ground is hit before the ball, resulting in a shot that goes nowhere, and the 'thin' or 'skull', where the ball is hit too high on the face, causing it to race across the green. These errors often stem from a poor setup, poor contact, or an overly elaborate swing.

To correct these issues, golfers should ensure they have a solid setup, with weight slightly in favor of the target-side foot. Ball position should be appropriate to the desired chip shot. A straightforward, repeatable swing technique should be employed, avoiding excessive wrist hinge. Practice is paramount in ingraining these corrections. An excellent way to do this is through dedicated chipping drills.

For more instructions on corrections to your chipping errors, visit this site.

Chipping Drill 1: The Basic Chip

The Basic Chip is the foundation of golf chipping drills. Along with a solid setup, this fundamental drill will help golfers to attain finesse and fine-tune their short game. Chipping, a low trajectory shot that has less air time and more ground time, can be perfected with the basic chip drill.

Step by Step Guide for Performing the Basic Chip Drill

To begin the basic chip drill, position yourself a few feet away from your target. Next, place the majority of your weight on your front foot and hold the club with more grip in your fingers than your palms. Aim to make a pendulum-like swing just slightly back and through. Always remember, the length of the backswing will determine how far the ball travels. Ensure the clubface is directed towards the target. The main focus here is to make consistent contact with the ball each time. This excellent guide on basic chip drills offers more in-depth information on the process.

Common Mistakes and Tips to Improve

Often golfers fail to make a steep enough backswing which results in inconsistent contact. Also, power in chipping comes from the rotation of the body, not just the hands or arms. Ensure your body turns along with the pendulum swing to perform the chip effectively. Another common issue with beginners is stiffening up during the shot, so always keep hands and body relaxed to allow a smooth swing. It's also recommended to practice with different clubs to identify the best tool for the perfect chip. "Golf Sidekick" elucidates more on common beginner mistakes and how to rectify them. Remember, chipping is an art that requires practice and patience.

Chipping Drill 2: The Lob Shot

In the golfing world, having a wide arsenal of shots at your disposal improves your short game significantly. One such shot is the versatile lob shot. Highly effective in helping you overcome tall obstacles or getting out of thick rough, it's a shot that can truly save the day when executed perfectly.

Executing the Lob Shot Drill Effectively

The lob shot drill focuses on teaching golfers to achieve maximum height with minimum distance. Start by setting up a goal approximately 10 feet away. To better visualize your shot trajectory, you can use an object such as an umbrella. Aim to hit the ball over the object while trying to land as close as possible to your target.

When taking the shot, ensure your feet are open towards the target and your weight slightly towards the left. The ball should be placed towards the center of your stance with the clubface open. During the swing, maintain the loft of the clubface by keeping your wrists solid while turning your body through the shot. Complement this advice with this detailed guide on how to effectively execute a lob shot.

Achieving Height and Distance with the Lob Shot Drill

The real challenge of this drill is in achieving a perfect balance between height and distance. To get height, you'll need to swing along the line of your feet. This ensures the clubface slides perfectly underneath the ball without too much forward motion which would decrease the height. Adjust your stance width, ball position, and tempo to control the distance. For more consistent results, reposition your hands on the club to get a grip that gives you better control over the clubface. This lob shot tutorial can help you get a better handle on this technique.

Having these two aspects perfectly tuned will provide a higher trajectory and soft landing, proving crucial when you're close to the green and need to overcome an obstacle. Practice makes perfect, so put these techniques into action and perfect your lob shot.

Chipping Drill 3: The Bump and Run

In the realm of golf chipping drills, the Bump and Run is a potent exercise that encourages precision and control, particularly useful when playing on fast greens or when there's a lot of green between you and the hole. This drill revolves around striking the ball with a muted hit in a way that it deviates less in the air and rolls more on the surface of the green.

Mastering the Bump and Run Drill

Mastering the Bump and Run involves keeping the ball low and managing its run after it lands on the green. Start by positioning the ball towards the back of your stance, with your weight favoring the front foot for better strike control. The backswing should be abbreviated, with the downswing being a gentle turn of the body. The key is to keep your wrists firm to avoid flipping it at impact; this technique helps maintain a steady loft throughout the swing.

When performed correctly, the Bump and Run can build up your abilities efficiently, turning into a go-to shot when you're about respectably 10-15 yards off the green. The Golf Channel offers detailed tutorials and professional insights that can help you master this drill.

How to Estimate Distances and Angles with the Bump and Run

Estimating distances and angles correctly is critical to the Bump and Run, as you’ll need to ascertain exactly how far you want the ball to fly and roll. The drill calls for a calculated flight versus roll ratio; for instance, if you are playing a shot to a flag 20 yards away, you might want to fly the ball for about 5 yards and let it roll the remaining 15.

Learning to visualize or 'feel' the angles and distances requires practice. Many golfers benefit from utilizing wedge systems such as Dave Pelz’s Short Game Bible, which provides a comprehensive guide to precision and efficiency in estimating angles and distances for chipping. Remember, the better you understand the dynamics of your shots, the more efficiently you can adjust your swing and setup for a beneficial outcome.

Chipping Drill 4: The Flop Shot

Chipping in golf, especially tough flop shots, require a lot of practice to master. The Flop Shot can be a golfer's best friend when mastered. It is a high-loft shot made close to the green where the ball flies high with a steep descent, minimizing roll. While it is an advanced drill, mastering it brings a massive advantage in your short game.

How to Use the Flop Shot in Difficult Situations

The Flop shot is useful when you find your ball on tricky lies like heavy rough or bunker and you need to get the ball up high quickly to get over a hazard. To successfully perform this shot, use a high lofted club like a 56 or 60 degrees wedge. Position the ball towards the front of your stance, open up your clubface to add loft, and make a full golf swing, having the club head sliding under the ball. Make sure your aim is left as opening the clubface will push the ball to the right. Golf Information offers a great detailed guide on better flop shots.

Learning to Control the Flop Shot

Controlling the Flop shot is what makes it a fearsome weapon in your golf arsenal. It is not only just about getting the ball high and far but also controlling its landing. To achieve this, your follow-through swing should be as high as your backswing. You also need to keep your hands soft while maintaining a firm grip. The key is in timing and the amount of force you apply. Practicing this on a regular basis with various distances and club lofts will sharpen your feel around the green. Golf Monthly shares tips on controlling flop shots. Remember, while this is an advanced golf skill, consistency in practice will yield incredible results.


Understanding and mastering the skill of chipping is crucial to your golf game's success, and trying out these proven drills will surely give you an edge. We walked through excellent chipping techniques, identified common errors, and presented step-by-step guides to perform the Basic Chip, Lob Shot, Bump and Run, and Flop Shot drills. We emphasized the importance of consistent practice, setting comprehensive goals, and tracking your progress to improve your short game. Furthermore, choosing the right golf wedges and putters to suit your individual style and technique is fundamental. Remember, success in your chipping game comes from patience, practice, and the right approach. Keep coming back to these drills, fine-tune your skills, and soon enough, you'll be getting up and down with more consistency and flair than ever before. So, let's hit the course, and remember, every chip is a step towards perfection.

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