There are many moving parts to the golf swing but only one position is important. Position impact.
Your impact position in golf is the moment of truth. It’s when the club face meets the golf ball and determines the shot trajectory, plus the direction.
A thin shot (also known as two groover) will be produced if it is hit low on the face. A chunky shot will travel a fraction of the distance if it is hit high on the face. Plus, if it’s off the toe, it might draw too much and if it’s off the heel, it might not ever stop slicing.
The impact position is what the best ball strikers do. They place their weight on the lead side, square face, and then follow through to a stunning finish.
If you want to step up your ball striking, it’s time to master your impact position. This position is best learned without the need to hire a coach. impact tape. It’s easily one of the best ways to hit it better quickly.
Keep reading to learn more aboutImpact tape, alternatives, and other ways to improve this crucial position in the golf swing.
Golf Impact Tape – How to Improve Ball Striking
How does impact tape work?
It’s pretty simple. First, clean your golf club so it’s fresh and wait for it to dry. This will ensure the tape will stick to the face and do its job.
If you’re using irons or wedges, make sure to clean the grooves thoroughly with a club brush. Let them dry and stretch the tape so it’s in the middle of the face.
Then, begin to hit the golf balls.
The dimples on the ball will leave an imprint on the tape to identify the location on the face you’re hitting it. Whether you’re hitting a driver, hitting your irons or wedges, this method will help you understand your swing much better.

If you’re like most golfers you will quickly spot a pattern based on the dimple location. Maybe you’re too far off the heel, too low on the face, or too far on the toe. Or, a combination of several and can’t find the sweet spot if your life depended on it.
The tape will tell you where the ball hits the face so that you can adjust your setup to find the center. Warm up first, then hit a short or medium-iron 5-10 times. A single piece of impact tape will last for this long.
Swinging 5-10x per day can eliminate outliers, and help you identify your swing tendencies. Next, you can use different training aids or practice drills to get your face squarer.
After working on your swing, you can apply another piece of impact tape and see if you’ve improved. It’s cheap, easy to use, and provides instant feedback on every swing.
Hopefully, it’ll lead to finding the sweet spot more often which leads to:
- Distance increases
- Irons have a better contact.
- More driver swings
- Better ball striking can lower your handicap.
These are our top picks for golf impact tape
MSOAT Golf Impact Tape
This is the top-rated golf impact tape, as it comes in 100 sheets. You get three sheets of tape per sheet, so you can have 300 tapes for a low price.
According to the company, “Use a special paper to produce this golf impact tape, these thin labels provide clear and accurate impact marks without compromising feel and performance. Letting you know what a missed shot or a perfect swing looks like.”
What’s unique about this tape is that they have quadrants for each piece of tape. This makes it easy for you to determine how close you are from the sweet spot for each shot.
This product also has the added benefit of three sizes. One size fits your driver/woods, another for your irons/wedges and one for hybrids.
In good weather, each label can last between 6-10 shots. You can get up to 1800 shots of feedback.
Click here to find out more now.
Besttile Impact Tape Labels
Tape labels from Bestle are another option, and they are also available on Amazon. These tape labels come with three different sizes of tape for a total 300 pieces. This tape is suitable for all golf clubs and provides instant feedback.
Click here for more information.
Or, if you don’t want to buy golf specific impact tape and are waiting for shipping, there are a few DIY alternatives too. These are:
- Masking tape
- Painters tape
You can also use a spray method to identify your contact points instead of using tape.
Golf Spray vs. Golf Spray
Golf tape can be very effective in helping you understand the impact of your ball striking. However, some players prefer spray.
Strike Spray is the best on the market and it ensures you don’t have any residue on the face after hitting shots. Spraying a coat on your golf clubs face is a better alternative to applying tape.
Strike Spray is easy to use and almost as useful to help you understand the impact on your face. Here’s how to use it:
- Clean the golf club you’re about to hit. If you’re hitting a wedge or iron, clean the grooves with a brush too.
- Spray the face for 10 seconds and allow it to dry.
- Start hitting shots to determine where the ball hits the face at impact.
- After 5-10 swings, reapply.
Spray vs. spray has one disadvantage: spray wears quickly. Tape is more durable and can be saved if you need to recall a great day on the range.
Click here to see our complete review of Strike Spray.
Similar Training Aids to Improve Your Ball Striking
You can identify mishits with golf tape or spray, but there are many similar products. These are our top picks for training aids that provide instant feedback to help improve your golf swing.
Lead Tape
Lead tape is another popular type of tape used by golfers. This tape is very different to impact tape. Its applied on the backside of the golf club and not the face.
To add weight to the back end of the club, lead tape is used (sometimes generously). This can help with distance and it’s also commonly used for straightening out golf shots. Since you can’t adjust irons like fairway woods or drivers, this is a good way to improve your iron game.
You can use lead tape to fix a large slice on your driver or other club. This will make the heel heavier and allow the toe to release more so it’s closer to square at impact.
Lead tape can be used to attach woods, irons or wedges to make it easier for you. It can be helpful:
- Improve your trajectory
- Forgiveness can be extended
- Lower ball flight and spin
- Take a slice of the pie or draw.
While it’s legal to use and loved by professionals, it’s not a quick fix for a swing flaw. Click here for our complete article on lead tape and how it can help your golf game.
Divot Board
Divots never lie in golf.
If you pull hard, your divot will be far left of the target. If you push one right of the target and wonder if it’ll stay on the course, your divot will be way right.
Understanding your divots is crucial to improving your ball striking ability, just as you can learn your impact position using tape or spray. Since a lot of golf courses use mats, it’s not always easy to see your divots unless you’re on the course.
The newer product is the Divot Board allows you to evaluate your divot, whether you’re on the turf or a mat. This allows you to quickly and easily learn about the low point of your swing.
In fact, you don’t even have to hit golf balls during a practice session to learn more about your divot. Plus, it’s small and works for both right or left-handed players.
Click here to read the full review of Divot Board.

FAQs about Golf Impact Tape
Do you have any questions about tape or other training aids for better golf? Continue scrolling to see the most frequently asked questions.
How do you make impact tape for golf?
There are some DIY options that you can use to save money and still learn more about your swing.
The Backyard golfer is here Video how to use masking tape across the face. He also suggests using old golf balls to make the dimples more visible on the tape.
However, I think it’s best to spend the money for quality tape that is meant for golf clubs. But if you’re in a pinch and want to practice at home, this trick with masking tape can help.
Additionally, if you want to use spray without paying extra, see if you have any athlete’s foot spray in the house. It works nearly as well and won’t damage your clubs either.
Can you use impact tape to cover every golf club?
Yes, you can use impact taping on any club that has a full swing (sorry punter).
The recommended products above are great because they have three different sizes of tape based on the club you’re hitting. It’s important to use a piece of tape that isn’t too big for the face as it can affect your ball flight performance.
Why is it that people stick duct tape to their golf clubs?
You might think it’s duct tape but it’s generally lead tape which has the same color. This is not true. article shares how duct tape applied to your body can actually help your swing too.
Is it possible to use impact tape during a round?
No, impact tape violates rule 4.1(a). This rule prohibits the use of external attachments during competition. If you use it even once during the round, it’s an automatic DQ.
Final Thoughts about Golf Impact Tape
Tape can be helpful in improving your ability to strike the ball well. It will help you identify your misses on the clubs face so you can make the necessary swing adjustments.
Impact tape can help you save time and quickly identify your biggest problems. You can then go backwards to discover different drills or swing tips to help you find the sweet spot more often.
While impact tape is helpful, make sure you don’t get overly dependent on it in practice. But from time to time, it’s an essential product that will help you improve ball striking fast.
Get a new golf ball today!