3 Tips to Finally Get Rid of Your Chicken Wing Golf Swing

Table of Contents


  • A chicken wing golf swing refers to the improper arm positioning during the swing.
  • It can negatively impact your game, causing inconsistency and loss of power.
  • Common mistakes include incorrect arm positioning, lack of hip rotation, and a prolonged bent elbow.
  • Tips to correct the chicken wing swing include adjusting your grip, maintaining proper body alignment, and doing strengthening exercises.
  • To prevent injuries, warm-up routines and regular drills are crucial for muscle memory.
  • Learning from successful pro golfers, incorporating their techniques, and tracking progress are essential.
  • Equipment considerations such as choosing the right club, proper handling, and using a golf glove can improve your swing.

Introduction: Chicken Wing Golf Swing

Are you tired of your chicken wing golf swing ruining your game? As a retired professional golfer with years of experience, I've seen countless players struggle with this pesky problem. That's why today, I want to share with you three invaluable tips to finally get rid of your chicken wing golf swing once and for all.

Now, I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to have that dreaded chicken wing motion spoil your shots. It not only affects your accuracy and distance but can also lead to potential injuries if not corrected. But fear not, my friends! With these proven techniques, you'll be well on your way to a smooth and powerful golf swing.

Throughout my career, I've studied golf swings meticulously, and I can assure you that these tips have helped countless players overcome their chicken wing struggles. From adjusting your grip to perfecting your follow-through, we'll cover everything you need to know to transform your swing and elevate your game to new heights.

So, if you're ready to step up your golf game and bid farewell to the chicken wing swing, grab your golf club and get ready to dive into these game-changing tips. Trust me, you won't want to miss out on this valuable advice that could be the key to unlocking your full potential on the golf course. Let's get started!

Understanding the Chicken Wing Golf Swing

What is a chicken wing golf swing?

A chicken wing golf swing occurs when a golfer tucks their leading elbow into their hip during the downswing, causing the elbow to protrude outward, looking similar to a chicken wing. This usually happens when the golfer does not rotate their shoulders correctly during the swing, leading to a bending elbow that disrupts the swing path.

How does a chicken wing golf swing affect your game?

A chicken wing golf swing can drastically affect the quality of your game. It leads to poor ball striking, decreases distance, affects precision, and can lead to an unwanted slice in your shot. In the long term, it may even lead to certain types of injuries due to the unnatural strain it puts on the golfer's arm and shoulder. Pro Golfer's Swing analyses often highlight the impact of the chicken wing swing on performance.

A correct golf swing relies on the whole body moving in unison to generate power efficiently. In a chicken wing swing, the leading arm breaks down leading to multiple issues. Moreover, practicing a chicken wing swing reinforces bad habits, making it harder to break out of. To understand the details of a correct golf swing, Golf Digest's guide can be a good resource.

In essence, understanding the chicken wing golf swing is a step towards recognizing faulty golfing habits. The insight into what it is and how it affects one's game is crucial in moving towards correcting these mistakes. Understanding nuances like these forms the basis of building a reliable, efficient, and successful golf swing.

Common Mistakes Leading to Chicken Wing Swing

A variety of poor habits or incorrect techniques can lead to the development of a chicken wing golf swing. Understanding these common mistakes is the first step in correcting them.

Incorrect Arm Positioning

One common mistake that leads to the chicken wing swing is incorrect arm positioning. Any form of tension in your arms can force your elbows to bend and stay in the wrong position throughout the swing. This results in the left arm bending and pulling up, leading to the unwanted chicken wing formation. For references on correct arm positioning, it may be helpful to consult a professional golfing source such as Golf Digest.

Lack of Proper Hip Rotation

Another mistake leading to the chicken wing swing is a lack of proper hip rotation. A clean, efficient golf swing relies on the rotation of the hips to increase power and accuracy. Without this important body movement, golfers rely more on their upper body, which can cause the chicken wing. For visual aids on the importance of hip rotation, you can refer to websites offering golf training videos and guides.

Prolonged Bent Elbow During Swing

The third common mistake is maintaining a bent elbow for a prolonged period during the swing. This results in the "chicken wing" effect where the left arm, instead of being straight, bends at the elbow at the end of the swing. This not only decreases your club’s reach but it can also cause a variety of other issues like mishits and loss of distance. It is critical to maintain a straighter elbow and allow for natural bending only at the end of the swing to avoid this mistake. To achieve a more natural and improved golf swing, consider practicing the tips and drills listed on websites dedicated to golfing instruction and tutorials.

Essential Tips to Correct the Chicken Wing Swing

Achieving the correct golf swing is an intricate balance of posture, grip, leg position, and arm movement. The dreaded chicken wing swing is often the result of improper technique that can be effectively rectified by following a couple of essential tips. Here are some practical tips for correcting the chicken wing swing, leading to more power, accuracy, and consistency in your golf game.

Adjusting Your Grip for a Better Swing

Your grip is the only connection you have with the club and the ball. Hence the importance of a proper grip cannot be overstated. A firm but relaxed grip will allow the club to move freely and align itself correctly during swing motion. Make sure your fingers (not the palm) are holding the club with the correct pressure, allowing the wrists to hinge freely. Refer to Golf.com's guide on getting the perfect grip for an in-depth understanding of the grip technique.

Importance of Maintaining Proper Body Alignment

Alignment is essential in golf, as it can heavily influence swing path and the direction the ball will travel. Correct alignment involves positioning your body parallel to the target line, with your feet, hips, and shoulders squarely lined up. Lean slightly towards your toes to maintain a balanced stance. Your clubface should be square to the target line at address, and your body aligned left of the target. PGA explains proper body alignment in their detailed guide on alignment technique.

Strengthening Exercises for Better Control

To control the chicken wing swing, you need more than just technique; you need strong muscles. Strengthening exercises are an effective way to improve your control over your golf swing. Incorporate exercises that strengthen your grip, enhance body rotation, and improve overall flexibility, like wrist curls, oblique twists, and hamstring stretches. A stronger core and more flexible shoulder would prevent your elbows from bending improperly during the swing.

Preventing Injuries Associated with Chicken Wing Swing

Perfecting the golf swing takes time, dedication, and an understanding of proper form. While the chicken wing swing may seem like an effective shortcut to power and precision, it can also lead to a variety of injuries if not addressed. Recognizing the potential risks associated with this incorrect swing and proactively implementing preventive measures can keep you injury-free and enjoying the game.

Understanding Potential Injuries from Incorrect Swings

Embarking on a journey to perfect your golf swing might simultaneously expose you to potential injuries, more so when dealing with the chicken wing swing. This faulty technique, where the left arm (for right-handed golfers) bends at the elbow and drifts away from the body during the swing, can strain the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints due to the awkward twisting. This can lead to conditions like golfer's elbow, rotator cuff injuries, and wrist sprains. Proper understanding of these risks is crucial, and resources like the American Orthopaedic Society's guide to golf injuries offer invaluable insights.

Warm-Up Routines for Safer Swings

A good warm-up routine is paramount in preventing injuries. It primes the body for the activity ahead, improving flexibility and reducing the risk of strains. Dynamic exercises that incorporate stretching and movement are more beneficial than static stretches. Warm-up routines for golfers should focus on key areas like shoulders, hips, and wrists. Golf Fitness recommends several exercises like chest stretches, wrist flexor stretches, and torso rotations that can help improve your swing and reduce potential injuries from the chicken wing golf swing.

Regular Drills to Promote Muscle Memory

Regular drills and practice can help promote muscle memory resulting in a safer and more efficient golf swing. Consistent practice of the correct swing form helps override the chicken wing tendency. Using golf training aids or working with a golf instructor can ensure that your posture, grip, and follow-through are correct. Drills should be completed regularly and repetitively, such as the popular towel drill which reinforces the 'connection' and discourages the chicken wing swing. Golf training platforms like Golf Channel Academy provide comprehensive guides on how to conduct these drills.

Learning from the Pros: Successful Golf Swings to Emulate

To master the art of a perfect golf swing, aspiring players often turn to the kings and queens of the green. Observing and learning from professional golfers isn't just inspirational, but it's also informative. These athletes have honed their swing techniques with time and practice resulting in near-perfect moves that are worthy to be emulated.

Studying Professional Golfers with Impeccable Swings

Professional golfers offer an encyclopedia of techniques and skills for amateur golfers to learn from. Golfers like Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy, and Annika Sorenstam are known for their technically perfect swings that are a result of years of practice and fine-tuning. By observing their swings in detail, particularly how they rotate their bodies and position their arms during the swing, one can glean useful tips to improve their own technique. Websites like Swing Analysis offer breakdowns of swings from top professionals which can prove instrumental in enhancing one's game.

Incorporating Effective Techniques into Your Swing

Every golfer has their unique style and methods. While observing pros, it's crucial to incorporate those techniques that align with your style and comfort. Drills and exercises, as suggested by experienced golf coaches on platforms like Golf Channel Academy, can help embed these skills into your swing.

Progress Tracking and Consistency in Practice

Progress tracking and consistent practice are integral for any skill development. Golf isn't an exception. Regularly practicing the techniques learned, coupled with consistent feedback and progress tracking, can help one master their golf swing. An app like Hudl Technique Golf provides direct feedback on your swing, allowing you to compare it to professionals and track your improvement.

Remember, perfection isn't achieved overnight. Along with learning from the pros, regular practice, taking feedback, and making consistent efforts will gradually help you create the perfect golf swing.


Improving one's golf swing is an intricate process which requires both understanding and correcting the Chicken Wing Swing, a common yet fixable mistake. The journey begins with recognising the problem, understanding its effects on your game and acknowledging its potential to cause injuries. Correcting the error involves knowingly adjusting your grip, ensuring proper body alignment, strengthening efficacious muscles, warming up before swings, and regularly practicing relevant drills. Additionally, learning from the professionals and incorporating their successful techniques can also provide inspiration and guidance. Meanwhile, the importance of the right golfing equipment, including suitable clubs and gloves, should not be underestimated. Ultimately, successful swing correction is attainable with patience, consistent practice and above all, a more profound understanding of the swing mechanics at play. To continue your exploration into perfecting your swing, remember to return for future content on golf swing refinement.

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