7 Common Problems Caused by an Interlocking Golf Grip

Table of Contents


  • The interlocking golf grip can cause several common problems.
  • It can affect wrist action, leading to limitations in your swing.
  • Managing grip pressure becomes more challenging with the interlocking grip.
  • Swing stability may decrease due to the grip.
  • Hand injuries are a potential risk with this grip style.
  • Interlocking grip can impact swing speed.
  • Beginners may struggle with this grip initially.
  • Players with small hands may find it unsuitable.

To overcome these issues, understanding and managing wrist action, grip pressure, and swing stability are crucial. Additionally, considering alternative grips and techniques can be helpful for players with smaller hands or those struggling with the interlocking grip.


Welcome to my blog, where I share my experiences and insights as a retired professional golfer. Today, we're diving into a common problem that many golfers face: the interlocking golf grip. This grip technique, where the pinky finger of the trail hand interlocks with the index finger of the lead hand, is favored by many players for its stability and control. However, as with any technique, it can come with its fair share of challenges.

In this article, I'll be discussing seven common problems that can be caused by an interlocking golf grip. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, understanding these issues and their potential solutions can significantly improve your game. So, let's get started and explore how the interlocking golf grip can impact your swing, grip pressure, stability, and more. Get ready to go beyond the surface and delve into the intricacies of this grip technique.

Understanding the Interlocking Golf Grip

Interlocking golf grip refers to a type of golf grip where the index finger of the lead hand and the little finger of the trailing hand are locked together. This type of grip is commonly believed to provide a more secure hold on the golf club, particularly for golfers with smaller hands or weaker wrists.

The basics of an interlocking grip

An interlocking golf grip is relatively easy to execute. Simply place your non-dominant hand at the top of the club while extending your index finger. Then, wrap your other hand around the club, letting the pinky finger of your lower hand interlock with the index finger of the upper hand. An interlocking grip allows for a tighter amalgamation of the hands which in turn ensures better control during the swing. If you're just getting started with golf or need a refresher on the grip, check out this basic guide to the interlocking grip.

Benefits of the interlocking golf grip

The interlocking golf grip provides several distinct benefits. First, it promotes a feeling of unity between the hands, helping to synchronize the movement of the club. This can lead to a smoother, more efficient golf swing. Additionally, the interlocking grip can provide a more secure hold, reducing the likelihood of the club slipping out of your hand. Lastly, people with smaller hands tend to benefit greatly from an interlocking grip as it allows more hand surface area to come in contact with the grip. For more detailed information on the pros of a interlocking grip, refer to this article by GolfMonthly.

Problem 1: The Impact of Interlocking Golf Grip on Wrist Action

The interlocking golf grip, while popular among many golfers, can potentially affect the flexibility and movement of your wrist during a swing.

How Interlocking Golf Grip Affects Your Wrist Action

The interlocking golf grip involves locking the index finger of your lead hand with the pinkie finger of your trailing hand. This form of grip promotes a strong bond between the hands but may reduce the range of wrist rotation. Reduced wrist flexibility often contributes to limited shot control and decreased swing power.

Solutions to Overcome Wrist Action Limitations with Interlocking Grip

Overcoming the limitations of wrist action when using an interlocking grip requires deliberate practice and perhaps alterations in technique. One useful tip is to ensure your grip is firm but not overly tight which allows for greater wrist flexibility. Also, some drills and exercises, such as wrist curls and grip strengthening workouts, can help improve wrist action. A detailed guide to these exercises can be found on Golf Week.

Problem 2: Difficulty in Grip Pressure Control

Maintaining the right grip pressure while using the interlocking golf grip can be a challenge for many golfers.

Why Interlocking Grip Can Lead to Grip Pressure Problems

The interlocked fingers in this grip style can unconsciously cause golfers to apply more pressure than necessary when holding the club. This can lead to inconsistent shots and even wrist and hand strain over time.

Effective Ways to Manage Grip Pressure with an Interlocking Grip

Managing grip pressure begins with understanding that a firm grip does not mean a stranglehold on the club. Practicing holding the club with varying pressure levels and noting the effects on your swing will help in developing the right grip pressure. This article from Golf Digest provides an insight into how professionals manage grip pressure.

Problem 3: Decreased Swing Stability

The interlocking grip may cause a decrease in swing stability, affecting the ball striking consistency.

Swing stability is crucial for consistent shot production. The interlocking grip, while promoting hand unity, may inadvertently compromise control over the clubhead during the swing.

Tips to Increase Swing Stability while Using an Interlocking Grip

To increase swing stability, consider maintaining a relaxed grip pressure throughout the swing, ensuring your wrists are not overly rigid, and maintaining an ideal posture during the swing. More tips on swinging with an interlocking grip can be gleaned from specialist golf sites like Golf State of Mind.

Problem 2: Difficulty in Grip Pressure Control

Controlling grip pressure is a challenge that many golfers face, especially those who use the interlocking golf grip. Despite its numerous benefits, this popular grip style can contribute to grip pressure problems which may seriously impact a player's game.

Why interlocking grip can lead to grip pressure problems

An interlocking grip, though effective for wrist control and leverage, can lead to undue tension in the hands and forearms, subsequently causing grip pressure problems. Many golfers inadvertently squeeze too tight when using the interlocking grip, often without realizing. Over tightening of the grip can restrict the fluidity of the swing and decrease the overall effectiveness of the strike, making accurate shots harder to achieve. Golf.com presents an in-depth analysis of how grip pressure might influence your golf swing.

Effective ways to manage grip pressure with an interlocking grip

Managing grip pressure when using an interlocking grip involves maintaining a balance so as not to over-squeeze or relax too much. One effective way is to use the 'hinge-and-hold' method, which enables a controlled yet firm grip without causing stiff muscles. Golf Magic recommends adopting a neutral grip pressure wherein the grip is firm enough to control the club, but relaxed enough to allow free movement of the wrists. Regular practice with grip trainers and mindfulness about maintaining consistent grip pressure can also contribute significantly to better control, thereby improving overall game performance. Regular grip checks during practice sessions will also help to keep pressure consistent and at the optimum level.

A firmer understanding and control of grip pressure when utilizing an interlocking golf grip can remarkably enhance the quality of a golfer's swing and overall game performance. By understanding the link between grip style and pressure, golfers can implement methods to maintain control, leading to better shot accuracy and consistency.

Problem 4: Potential for Hand Injuries

Golfers using the interlocking grip technique may potentially expose themselves to hand injuries. The impact of these injuries can significantly affect their gameplay and overall performance on the golf course. In this section, we will break down the risks associated with the interlocking golf grip and suggest preventive measures to ensure the safety of your hands while you enjoy your game.

Risks of hand injuries associated with interlocking grip

The interlocking grip, particularly if done improperly or with excessive force, can place undue pressure on the joints in the fingers. This can lead to injuries over time, such as sprains, strains, or even fractures (Hand Injuries in Golfers – WristAssuredGloves.com). Furthermore, issues such as golfers elbow or tendonitis can arise from the repeated motion of swinging the golf club with an interlocking grip.

Preventive measures to avoid hand injuries with interlocking golf grip

To decrease the risk of hand injuries while using the interlocking grip, it's necessary to note a few key preventive measures. First, ensure your grip technique is correct. Seek advice from a golf pro or coach to make sure you're not putting unnecessary strain on your hands. Regular breaks can also aid in avoiding injuries, giving the muscles in your hands time to rest. You can also consider stretching and strengthening exercises for your hand and wrist muscles. These can maintain flexibility and strength and ultimately reduce the risk of injuries (Preventing Golf Injuries – Mayo Clinic). Remember, prevention is key to a long-lasting and enjoyable golfing experience.

Problem 5: Interferes with Swing Speed

Golf is always about the perfect balance between power, accuracy, and speed. However, the interlocking grip may become an issue in achieving ideal swing speed.

The effect of interlocking grip on swing speed

The interlocking golf grip, while advantageous for maintaining a firm hold of the club, can potentially reduce the flexibility of a golfer's swing. This is because the interlocked fingers tend to restrict the free movement of wrists and hands while swinging the club. As a result, it might decelerate the swing speed of players who are accustomed to applying a substantial range of motion to generate swing speed.

By reducing the swing speed, an interlocking grip can create a negative impact on the total distance covered by the drive. It might frustrate golfers who are aiming for distance gains. Understanding the principles of golf swing speed can help players identify the issue related to their swing speed.

How to maintain optimal swing speed while using interlocking grip

An interlocking grip does not automatically imply a severe reduction in swing speed. Golfers can still maintain an optimal swing pace if they understand how to work with this type of grip effectively. Working with a professional golf coach could help in correcting wrong techniques and improving the swing speed without compromising grip control.

Flexibility and strength training should be incorporated into a golfer's regimen. Exercises like wrist curls and extensions, forearm stretch, and shoulder rotations would enhance both flexibility and strength needed to swing the clubs faster without compromising on the grip.

Golfers might also find practicing with golf training aids that are designed to enhance swing speed very beneficial. These training aids help players to monitor, measure, and increase their swing speed while keeping a firm interlocking grip.

By analyzing their swing pattern and working on developing strength and flexibility, golfers can effectively use the interlocking grip without sacrificing their desired swing speed.


Our exploration of the interlocking golf grip has unveiled numerous pros and cons, underscoring its significant impact on elements including wrist action, grip pressure control, swing stability, risk of hand injuries, swing speed, as well as the particular difficulties it presents for beginners and players with small hands. However, with the right techniques and preventive measures, it's possible to alleviate many of these issues and more effectively leverage the interlocking grip. In the quest to master your golf swing, gaining an in-depth understanding of the interlocking grip could be a game-changer. Remember, the key lies in constant practice, getting professional guidance, and finding what works best for your unique play style. Keep exploring, learning, and evolving your golf techniques, and make sure to come back here for more profound insights into mastering the art of golf gripping and beyond.

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