Attorneys Tiger WoodsErica Herman, his ex-girlfriend, claimed he never signed an oral or written tenancy agreement. Woods has since sued a trust she claims Woods owns for at least $30m.
In the most recent court filing Hermans lawsuitWoods requested to be a defendant against the Jupiter Island Irrevocable Homestead Trust in the 19th Judicial Circuit Court of Martin County, Florida.
Woods attorneys filed a motion for intervention stating that Herman sued Woods to cancel a settlement she had with the 15-time major champion in arbitration. Herman, who was the general manager of Woods’ restaurant before developing a personal relationship, is also asking for a judges removal from a nondisclosure contract she signed with him in August 2017.
Woods attorneys claim that the trust holds only a limited remaining interest in his Jupiter, Florida, home.
Though this action concerns Mr. Woods personal residence and arises from Mr. Woods decision that Plaintiff should not continue to live in his home after the breakup, Plaintiff didnt sue Mr. Woods, the motion for intervention stated. The disputes that Ms. Herman raised in the lawsuit against trust are in fact disputes between Ms. Herman, and Mr. Woods.
Herman claims that she signed an oral tenancy agreement allowing her to live in Woods’ home rent-free and without expense in exchange for her performing her personal services over their six-year-long relationship. Woods informed Herman that he was ending their six-year relationship on October 13. She claimed that the agreement was broken. She claims there were only five years left in the oral agreement.
Woods attorneys deny that he entered into an oral tenancy arrangement with Herman.
The motion stated that Mr. Woods invited Ms. Herman during their relationship to live with him in the Residence. Mr. Woods never entered into an oral tenancy agreement for Ms. Herman. There was never a written tenancy agreement between Ms. Herman and Mr. Woods, or the Trust, on one hand. Ms. Herman never received any ownership interest in the Residence or rights to possession from Mr. Woods.
According to the latest motion Woods made arrangements for Herman to live in a luxury resort near her and gave her money to purchase a new home after their breakup.
Hermans lawyer alleged that Woods forcibly signed an NDA in a civil suit filed Monday. Herman believes the NDA was invalid and unenforceable, and that the trust is unfairly using it against him. Hermans lawyer is citing the federal law known as the Speak Out Act that prohibits the enforcement and enforcement of nondisclosure agreements in situations of sexual assault or harassment.
Herman made no specific allegations against Woods.
The court filings note that Woods began arbitration proceedings Dec. 22 to establish that Herman is not entitled to monetary damages and that Herman has no right of residence in his home. The proceedings were stopped on Jan. 26 when Woods claimed she cannot be forced to arbitrate her claims for breach of an oral lease agreement. She also alleges that there was a sexual harassment dispute.