How to Measure Golf Swing Speed

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Speed – it’s all any golfer seems to talk about these days. But how do you measure your golf swing speed? 

Because speed is the king.

Your total distance with each of the clubs in your bag will be directly affected by your clubhead speed. The longer you can increase your average distance from the tee, golf will be easier with your approach shots.

Pro golfers swing the club at a significantly faster speed and hit the ball further than the average player. While long drive professionals swing at incredible speeds that are hard for us mere mortals to even imagine. 

Understanding club speed is essential if you want better and more consistent play. You can increase your club speed by measuring it over a longer period of time.

Continue reading to discover the best methods to measure your swing speed, so that you can improve your game. 

How to Measure Golf Swing Speed  

Before getting started, let’s first define the two types of speed in your golf swing.

  • Clubhead speedThis is also called swing speed. Trackman Golf defined it as “Club speed is the speed of the club head just prior to first touch with the golf ball.” A professional golfer with a driver swings at 113 mph.
  • Ball speedBall speed is the second most important number in golf. It is often discussed in the world of golf. Trackman Golf defines it this way: “The speed of the golf ball’s center of gravity immediately after separation from the club face.”  A PGA players average ball speed is 167 mph.

A faster swing speed almost always increases ball speed. 

How is swing speed measured? Continue reading to learn how you can calculate your golf swing speed.

Key Takeaways about Golf Swing Speeds

  • Golf clubs can improve your swing speed
  • The ability to swing faster correlates with more distance with each club in your bag. 
  • Pro golfers can swing the club 20-40 mph quicker than average amateur golfer.
  • Speed training and weight training can help you increase your swing speed.
  • You can measure your swing speed using a launch monitor in a golf simulator or an app on your phone.

Launch Monitor

A handheld launch monitor is the most convenient way to measure your swing speed. These tiny handheld devices can measure your swing speed and dont cost a lot. Launch monitors cost as little as $200, but they can give you amazing insight into your game.


It’s common for most launch monitors to provide data on:

  • Apex
  • Ball speed
  • Swing speed
  • Launch angle
  • Smash factor  
  • Carry distance (some also offer total distance) 

And if you invest in a higher end monitor you’ll get other data too when hitting balls. Click here to check out the best launch monitors or check out our top three picks below.

PRGR Launches Monitor

PRGR is the most compact and portable launch monitor on the market. It’s not much bigger than a sleeve of golf balls and makes it easy to determine speed with every club in the bag.

The device can be used indoors or outdoors on a simulator. If you want to improve your swing speed, the device can be used with speed training sessions and practice swings. Not to mention it’s a great price for the average golfer.

Click here to view our complete review.

Swing Caddie SC300i 

The Swing Caddie SC300i, another top launch monitor, is reasonably priced and offers many benefits. If you’re ready to easily figure out how far your ball travels, this device can help with driver swing speed and more.

First, it’s small and easy to carry in your bag at all times. The large, easy-to-read LCD screen makes it compatible with any app. 

The screen displays all information including smash factor, ball velocity, carry distance and swing speed. The free app syncs the screen with your smartphone to get even more data. You can also store your shots so that you can measure it over time. 

The only downside is that it doesn’t work with practice swings without hitting a ball (which is needed in some speed training programs). Other than that, it’s a great device that works indoors with a net/simulator or outdoors on the driving range. 

Click here to view our complete review.


Flightscope Mevo

Flightscope, a trusted name in the world of golf, is also endorsed by a lot of professional golfers. The Flightscope Mevo is another small launch monitor that can be used in conjunction with an app on the phone to provide tons and lots of data. 

The only problem with the device is its lack of a screen. You will need to use your phone for every swing. It tracks your results over time and offers tons of other great benefits. 

Click here to view our complete review.

Swing Speed Radar

The one downside to launch monitors is that they aren’t cheap. Even the lowest cost ones are $300 or more – ranging up to $20,000+ if you want to splurge for a Foresight or Trackman monitor. Needless to say, they’re not the most affordable golf gadget out there.

Swing speed radars are a good option for those who want to measure speed without spending a lot of money. These portable, handheld units measure speed for either golf or baseball and are smaller than launch monitors. Unfortunately, that’s all the measure – they do Not provide swing data for ball speed, smash factor, carry distance, etc. Like normal launch monitors. 


These devices are much cheaper than the original and a great way to invest in your game. The radar we suggest using is the Swing Speed Radar from Sports Sensor. Here’s why:

  • Simple to use 
  • Very compact and easily transportable 
  • All types of golfers can use this method
  • You can swing up to 200 mph 

Click here to read the full review of this radar system.  

Golf Simulator (with Launch Monitor

A golf simulator is another way to measure your swing speed. A simulator is a launch monitor on steroids and something you’ve likely used at your local golf store.

A simulator comes with a launch monitor to give data for every swing. You can play golf in your own home with a projector, hitting screen, mat and projector.

Click here to see the best golf simulators.


Swing Speed Apps 

If you’re like a lot of golfers, you’ve probably wondered if there is an app to measure speed? There are many apps, but most require you to pair them with a launch monitor in order to improve your game. Some of the most popular apps for speed in golf include: 

  • Trackman Golf 
  • Garmin Golf
  • Bushnell Golf

There are many options available that dont require you to buy a launch monitor. The best options are listed below. 

Shot Vision App

Shot Vision is a great app to measure speed on your phone. Their website: website they describe it as, “ShotVision is the first and only launch monitor that uses the rear facing high speed camera of your mobile device to give you accurate data to improve your game.” 

It’s been tested with some of the best launch monitors in the business and delivers consistent ball tracking data. This app helps you track your game and maps your bag to create a distance chart. Even if it’s not perfect it gives you some good data points and a rough idea for each club in the bag.

This app is a paid subscription, but its significantly less expensive than the ones mentioned above. It’s $9.99 per month or $71.99 per year . Unfortunately, this app is only available to iOS users – sorry Android fans. 

Educated guesses 

In a perfect world, we’d suggest using one of the methods mentioned above before this strategy. This method requires some math and can be inaccurate when it comes to measuring distance accurately. Here’s how to do it:

  • Get warmed up for 10–15 minutes; starting from wedges, irons, then woods/driver.
  • Once you’re ready to go, grab your rangefinder and hit 10 driver swings. You can track the distance of each drive with your rangefinder to calculate carry distance with ground contact. Not your rolling distance.
  • Throw out any awful shots that don’t accurately represent most swings.
  • Once you have 10, calculate the average driving distance. 
  • Divide that number by 2 to get your swing speed.

If you’re like a lot of golfers you might wonder, where does 2.3 come from? Because for every one mph extra you add, it’s worth about 2.3 extra yards (while other sources say three yards). This can vary from one player to the next, depending on what equipment you have. 

This strategy is effective and affordable, but we recommend using a launch monitor to get the best results. 


FAQs about Swing Speed

Do you have questions about improving clubhead speed and its vital role in golf? Continue reading if you have more questions about increasing clubhead speed and its vital role in golf. 

What is my swing speed for hitting a 7-iron 150 meters?

A 7-iron at 150 yards will give you a swing speed of between 83 and 93 MPH. 

Is there an app that measures your golf swing speed?

There are many apps that can help you measure swing speeds. But it’s important to note they are not as accurate as a radar or launch monitor due to the lack of technology. 

To provide accurate results, most apps work with a launch watch. The Shot Vision app, a paid app that measures clubhead speed, is a great option. This app can be used to update your distance chart if you purchase new clubs.

Do you need speed measurements for every club?

Not really – it’s most beneficial to measure your driver club head speed above all else. It’s okay to measure a mid-iron, let’s say 7-iron, to have a benchmark but not 100% necessary. Measure your driver speed over time because if you’re increasing it, you’ll naturally increase with all your clubs too. 

What is the best swing speed for a 250-yard drive?

According to Trackman GolfFor a distance of 214 yards, the average club head speed is 93.4 mph.

You will need to hit the ball at close to 100 mph. This depends on many factors such as the club used and weather conditions. 

How far should a 95 mph swing travel?

A 95 mph swing speed should travel approximately 218 yards using the 2.3 factor. This is an estimate only and may change depending on the quality and swing mechanics, equipment, and strike. 

What is the swing speed required for a Pro V1 golf club? 

Pro V1 and Pro V1X are designed for players who have high swing speeds. These balls can be used with your driver to achieve speeds of over 100 MPH. Otherwise, you won’t get the full benefit of the most popular ball in golf.

If you’re swinging a driver less than 100 MPH, opt for a different Titleist ball like the AVX. These are similar in design to the a Pro V1 but don’t require as much speed and maximize driving efficiency. 

How can I increase my swing speed?

The best way to increase swing speed is with training equipment like SuperSpeed Golf. This training protocol, along with the weighted swing sticks, makes it easy to increase your games speed. 

Or, if you’re a more advanced player that wants more detailed analytics, check out the Stack System. This speed training system requires an application and offers different training programs, but it is preferred by top players like Matt Fitzpatrick (2022 US Open Champion). 

You can read our complete article on increasing swing speed right here.

Final Thoughts on Swing speed

Swing speed is a key factor in your golf swing. 

Speed training will help you hit it harder and make it easier. This can be achieved by hitting the gym regularly and/or speed training using these methods. Many golfers will see lower scores with faster speed. A club fitter can also help with the selection of the right driver.

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