What is lag putting tips to improve this part of your game

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TL;DR: Mastering lag putting is crucial for improving your golf game. This article explores the basics of lag putting, including its definition and importance. It also provides tips on technique, common mistakes to avoid, and practical drills to enhance distance control. Additionally, it delves into the mindset and strategy needed for successful lag putting, as well as equipment selection for optimized performance. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned golfer, this comprehensive guide will help you become a better lag putter and lower your scores on the course.


Lag putting is a crucial part of the game that often gets overlooked. As a retired professional golfer with years of experience on the course, I understand the importance of mastering this skill. Lag putting refers to those long-distance putts that require precision and control to get close to the hole without going too far past it. It's a skill that can make or break your score, and today, I'm here to share some valuable tips to improve your lag putting game.

In this article, we will delve into the mechanics behind lag putting, explore common mistakes to avoid, and provide actionable tips to help you improve this essential aspect of your game. Whether you're a seasoned player looking to fine-tune your skills or a beginner hoping to gain a competitive edge, this article will offer valuable insights to elevate your lag putting game to the next level.

So, grab your putter and join me as we dive into the world of lag putting and unlock the secrets to mastering this often underestimated part of your golf game.

Understanding the Basics of Lag Putting

The understanding of lag putting is essential in playing the golf game effectively. This element of golf can significantly improve scoring by minimizing destructive three-putts and setting up simple, stress-free second putts.

What is Lag Putting?

Lag putting refers to a long-distance putt that is designed to end up close to the hole rather than necessarily trying to make it. The primary aim of a lag putt is not to sink the ball in one stroke, but to place the ball within a comfortable distance for your next putt. What constitutes a "comfortable distance" can depend on the player's skill level. For some, it might be within three feet of the hole, while for others, it might be within six feet. The idea behind lag putting is to reduce the risk of three-putting by avoiding unnecessary risks on the first long putt.

Importance of Lag Putting in the Game of Golf

Knowing how to properly execute lag putts can significantly improve your performance on the greens. It minimizes the chances of three-putting, helps in maintaining good scores, and keeps the momentum going in your game. The simple act of getting your first putt close to the hole can save you many strokes over rounds, making you a more efficient golfer.

The basic technique for executing a lag putt

The essential technique of executing a lag putt involves two critical components: speed control and direction. The first thing in lag putting is getting the right speed. Your main aim is to judge the distance correctly and hit the ball with enough speed to reach near the hole. Direction is key as well. You need to learn the green's slope and then aim your putt to allow for that break. The grip on the putter should be light and the stroke itself should be smooth, with no jerk or tension. A good tip is to keep lower body as stable as possible, using your shoulders to control the stroke. Considerable practice is required to perfect the technique of lag putting.

Anatomy of an Ideal Lag Putting Stroke

Creating an ideal lag putting stroke depends heavily on understanding and fine-tuning the basic components that constitute it. In this section, we'll be examining the necessary actors for actualizing a flawless lag putt – the grip and setup, tempo and rhythm, as well as follow-through and impact. By mastering these elements, you'll be a step closer to nailing the perfect lag putts.

Putter Grip and Setup

Your grip on the putter and the setup are the foundations of a successful lag putting stroke. Hold the putter with your palms facing each other and your fingers wrapped around the grip. The putter should lay against the palms and the grip should run up towards the inside of the left forearm for right-handed golfers (and the opposite for left-handed golfers). Your setup should involve the putter's face being square to the target, with your eyes directly over or slightly inside the ball. Be sure to read up more on perfecting the golf grip and setup to enhance your lag putting approach.

Stroke Tempo and Rhythm

Establishing a consistent tempo and rhythm in your stroke is crucial in lag putting. This involves swinging the putter back and forth in a smooth, pendulum-like movement. The downswing should be an effortless transition from the backswing. According to Golf Channel's Brian Batt, the best way to achieve this is to imagine a metronome setting the pace for your stroke.

Follow-through and Impact

The follow-through and impact of your putter with the golf ball is the closing act of the lag putting stroke. Your follow-through should be a natural continuation of the pendulum swing, and the putter should remain low to the ground. When striking the golf ball, the impact should be crisp with the loft of the putter lifting the ball into a brief, forward roll. You can learn more about how these essential elements function together from advanced golf lessons or by reading in-depth analysis and tips from existing golf literature.

Common Lag Putting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Lag putting, while simple in theory, often presents various pitfalls that can hinder your performance on the golf course. By identifying these common mistakes and understanding how to avoid them, you'll be better equipped to perfect your lag putting technique and elevate your golf game to the next level.

Decelerating at Impact

One prevalent mistake that golfers make is decelerating the putter head just as they make impact with the ball. This deceleration can lead to inconsistent distances and often results in short putts, leaving an unnecessarily long second putt. To avoid this, it's crucial to maintain a steady forward stroke throughout the entire putting process. Deceleration drills can assist in training your brain to keep a constant forward movement.

Misjudging Distances

An inability to accurately estimate distances on the green is another common error in lag putting. Misjudging the length of a putt can result in too much or too little force being applied, causing the ball to either fall short of the hole or shoot past it. By practicing distance control drills and paying close attention to the terrain and green conditions, you can improve your distance judgment. A valuable tool to aid with this is a golf rangefinder, which can provide exact distances and help to fine-tune your depth perception.

Poor Aim or Alignment

Poor aim or alignment often results in putts straying off their intended line. This mistake originates from incorrect setup and not properly aligning the putter face at address. It's important to focus on your aim during your routine to ensure the putter face and your body are correctly aligned with your target. There are several putting alignment techniques you can incorporate into your putting routine to correct your aim. Remember, it’s not just about where you want the ball to go, but also considering the slope and speed of the green.

Understanding these common mistakes and taking steps to avoid them can significantly improve your lag putting skills. Remember, perfection comes with practice, so be sure to invest time in honing your putting technique.

Practical Tips to Improve Your Lag Putting Skills

Improving your lag putting requires more than just understanding the technical aspects of the stroke. It’s about consistently practicing effective drills, visualizing the putt’s path and implementing a solid pre-shot routine. These elements are critical in making those long-range putts more manageable and less intimidating. Through practice and repetition of these methods, you'll likely notice significant progress in your lag putting proficiency.

Effective Distance Control Drills

One of the most effective ways to enhance your lag putting skills is through practice, specifically drills that focus on distance control. Such drills help you develop a better sense of feel and touch, enabling you to hit your putts with just the right amount of power. A highly recommended drill is the "ladder drill", which involves putting balls from varying distances in succession to improve your ability to gauge how hard to hit the ball.

Importance of Visualization

Visualization is a powerful tool in golf, particularly in lag putting. Before making your putt, visualize the ball's path to the hole, taking into account the speed and line. By creating a mental picture of what you want to achieve, you can better align your physical actions with your goal. Check out this guide on how visualization can improve your golf game.

Implementing Consistent Pre-shot Routines

A pre-shot routine is a sequence of actions before you hit the ball that helps you focus and correct your alignment. It may seem trivial, but it is instrumental in creating consistency and building confidence, especially on the green. According to GOLFTEC, the pre-shot routine is a significant element in reducing the pressure during a game and improving overall performance. Whether it’s a series of deep breaths or a specific stance, make sure it's something comfortable and repeatable.

Mastering Lag Putting: Mindset and Strategy

Mastering lag putting is more than just physical, it demands a strong mental game too. Your mindset and the strategy you choose to take on the green can make or break your success in lag putting. This section will delve into the role of confidence in lag putting, course management and decision making, and embracing pressure situations. To bring out your best performance on the green, it's crucial to harmonize your physical skills with the right mindset and strategic approach.

The Role of Confidence in Lag Putting

Confidence plays a large role in lag putting as it directly impacts your decision making and execution. Believe in your reading of the green and the stroke you plan to execute. Developing confidence requires consistent practice, learning from your mistakes and seeking continual improvement. This Golf Digest article provides practical advice on how to build and maintain confidence in your putting.

Course Management and Decision Making

When it comes to course management and decision-making in lag putting, it always pays to think ahead. Consider factors like the slope of the green, the speed of the putt, the wind direction, and the position of hazards. Always have a plan B if your first putt does not go where anticipated. The Golf Channel's guide on putting can provide insight on strategic course management.

Embracing Pressure Situations

Pressure situations are inevitable and frequent in golf. The key is not to avoid these situations, but to embrace and handle them with poise. Work on your mental toughness, stay focused on the next shot and not past mistakes or future outcomes. Remember, even the best golfers miss, acknowledge it as part of the game and concentrate on the strokes to come.


Mastering lag putting can substantially improve your golf game, making the difference between close calls and victories. By understanding the basics, including the crucial role it plays in golf, and perfecting your technique, you pave the way to becoming a more consistent and confident player. Avoiding common mistakes, such as decelerating at impact or poor alignment, and implementing effective routines and drills can greatly enhance your distance control, a key element of lag putting. Mental fortitude, including confidence, strategic decision-making and the ability to embrace pressure, is equally important. Lastly, remember that the right equipment, such as the appropriate putter, quality golf balls, and efficient green reading tools, are integral to optimized lag putting. With these tips, continual practice, and a resilient mindset, nailing the perfect lag putt is well within your reach. Keep visiting our blog for more content that helps you fine-tune this critical aspect of your game.

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